vehicle rental management system project with source code

vehicle rental management system project with source code

This vehicle rental management system has developed to manage vehicle rental firm activities. Java and MySQL used to develop this vehicle rental management system. Further, here include many functions to manage the day to day activities. Therefore, this vehicle rental management system helps to manage the all process of the firm.

Which function include in vehicle rental management system

vehicle rental management system in java

Add vehicle information

Using this section admin can record and maintain all vehicle details.

Add client information

Using this function can record and maintain client information.

Record rent information

Using this function admin can record rent details and issue an invoice for the customer.

Record rent return information

This section used to manage the return process. Here using vehicle number the system auto calculate the charge and all other details. Then admin can add cash then the system generates a full complete invoice for the customer.

Generate rent reports

Using this section admin can generate many reports. Further, here include some functions to customize and filter the report.

The technologies used in vehicle rental management system project

  • Java: All codes have been written using the java programming language.
  • MySql: MySql has used as a database for this project.
  • Netbeans: This project has developed inside of the Netbeans IDE.

How to use this project.
You can download the complete project file and database using the below link.

The goals of providing this project:

  • To provide an example for students to develop their own projects.
  • Further, helping people create their projects.
  • And also, sharing knowledge and codes for educational purpose.

This project is not for:

  • You cannot use this project or project source codes for commercial purposes
  • You cannot re-upload this project or project source code to web internet or any kind of space.

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